
July 20, 2017
WHAT IS SHAKEOLOGY? WHAT IS SHAKOELOGY?  Common question right?! You may see me drinking it daily or hear me talk about it's benefits. You see my friend has used it to help with her Chron’s Disease and my dad with his diabetes and my husband with digestive issues! Shakeology is a nutrient dense meal replacement shake that curbs cravings, tastes incredible and keeps...

Beef & Broccoli Stir-fry

July 12, 2017
If you are like me - trying to squeeze in time to cook a healthy meal in a packed busy schedule - is HARD! Here's what I made tonight after coming home from grocery shopping. It can be a heathy lunch or dinner option that takes less than 20 min to prepare. Check the xommmets for a link to my blog for the...
