
Power Hour

January 22, 2017

Raise your hand if you hit snooze on your alarm in the mornings. 
Raise your hand if you’re often late. 
Raise your hand if you’re tired or unmotivated. 

Raise your hand if you want to do something about it! 

My trick for morning motivation comes from self-help guru Tony Robbins. Robbins suggests setting up an "Hour of Power," every day. His "Hour of Power" consists of exercise, motivational incantations, and time for gratitude. After that, he suggests that you visualize "everything you want in your life as if you had it today." 

It sounds so simple, right? 
One hour, three things. 

So how do you start? 

Start by thinking about it right now. 
What do you have to wake up to tomorrow? Not what do you have to do tomorrow? I don’t want you to write a to-do list. I want you to think of your reasons to wake up. What do you have to live for each day? Is it your family? Is it your God? Is it your job? 
What do you want in your day? What are the goals you have?

By asking myself these things and doing my Power Hour every day, I’ve found my reason to jump out of bed and have the desire to really take care of myself. 

Wait, so giving up an hour of sleep is going to make me feel better??
Yup! At first giving up an hour of sleep every morning is going to be hard, but sacrifice truly means giving up something good for something better. Also when you’re excited for a change it improves your mood and makes getting up easier. I’m not preaching that the Power Hour will magically make everything in life easier but, it will make facing life easier. I can attest to the fact that when I make time for my Power Hour, I’m more productive, I have less stress and I have a more positive outlook on the day.

Okay so let’s jump in. How do you set up your own Power Hour? 
I want you to set a goal to start each day with at least 20 minutes for your soul, 20 minutes for your mind and 20 minutes for your body. 

Things you can do for your

*Soul: read scriptures, meditate, pray. Give thanks for yourself, family, and friends. Ponder your           blessings. Say them out loud. Take deep breaths. Clear your mind. Be grateful. 
*Mind: study something new, read a book, write in your journal, color, listen to a podcast. Think. 
*Body: Exercise! Dance, yoga, Pilates, stretch, walk. Move. 

I challenge you to try a Power Hour for yourself for one week and see how it changes your life. 
Make time for you every morning. Get up, get going, and get it done. 

Other things to note: 
         * Early to rise also means early to bed
         * Drinking water first thing, helps to get your metabolism going
         * Enjoy a protein rich balanced breakfast
         * Shower and take time for your personal hygiene

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