
Blueberry Breakfast Bake

April 24, 2017
Looking for something yummy for breakfast? This is it!! Taste like a cheat! Photo Credit Cookin Cowgirl Blueberry Bake 1 egg 1 yellow container dried oatmeal 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/2 red container vanilla Greek yogurt 1/2 purple container blueberries 1 blue container chopped walnuts 1 tsp pure maple syrup Directions: In a small baking dish whisk one egg with...

Shakeology! Not just a Protein Shake!

April 22, 2017
The biggest problem with Shakeology (that’s right, there’s actually a problem with Shakeology) is that it’s really hard to classify. It’s not really a meal replacement — nor is it a protein shake. So what the heck is it? The thing is, Shakeology is so much more. By placing it in a category, you only limit how dynamic this supplement is. So let’s break it...

3 Day Refresh

April 22, 2017
Did you know that in just 3 days you CAN jump start healthy weight loss, break the cycle of bad eating habits, conquer your cravings, and feel lighter and more energized?The secret weapon: 3-Day Refresh and Shakeology Challenge Pack.This program of specially formulated shakes and easy-to-prepare clean meals helps put you on the fast track to losing weight and eating healthier. And unlike...

Ritz Chicken

April 18, 2017
Anyone else have picky eaters in their house?? I do!! But one thing is for sure. This chicken is one of my "go to" meals. It's a dish that everyone in my house will eat! So here is my recipe for Ritz chicken! It's a crowd pleaser and you can make it healthier with less butter and using breadcrumbs instead of the Ritz...

Roasted Green Beans

21 Day Fix April 09, 2017
When I "RE"rediscovered roasting recently, I was amazed at how it changed the taste of green beans. Roasting imparts a yummy slightly sweet and smokey taste that makes veggies pretty amazing. If you haven't tried roasting your vegetables, you should! Roasted Green Beans 1 pound of frozen green beans 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon salt About 10 grinds of fresh ground pepper...

Oven Baked Chicken Drumsticks

21 Day Fix Meals April 08, 2017
I am always searching for new recipes to try out. When it comes to chicken. Just tried the recipe for these oven baked drumsticks today. YUM!! And SUPER SIMPLE!!👌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻 Question of the day: Do you know why the meat on chicken legs is dark?🍗  This brings back my passion for all things related to anatomy and kinesiology! Dark meat has more myoglobin proteins. It's the stuff that ships oxygen...
