Looking for something yummy for breakfast? This is it!! Taste like a cheat! Photo Credit Cookin Cowgirl Blueberry Bake 1 egg 1 yellow container dried oatmeal 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/2 red container vanilla Greek yogurt 1/2 purple container blueberries 1 blue container chopped walnuts 1 tsp pure maple syrup Directions: In a small baking dish whisk one egg with...
Blog Post Topics
The biggest problem with Shakeology (that’s right, there’s actually a problem with Shakeology) is that it’s really hard to classify. It’s not really a meal replacement — nor is it a protein shake. So what the heck is it? The thing is, Shakeology is so much more. By placing it in a category, you only limit how dynamic this supplement is. So let’s break it...
Did you know that in just 3 days you CAN jump start healthy weight loss, break the cycle of bad eating habits, conquer your cravings, and feel lighter and more energized?The secret weapon: 3-Day Refresh and Shakeology Challenge Pack.This program of specially formulated shakes and easy-to-prepare clean meals helps put you on the fast track to losing weight and eating healthier. And unlike...
Anyone else have picky eaters in their house?? I do!! But one thing is for sure. This chicken is one of my "go to" meals. It's a dish that everyone in my house will eat! So here is my recipe for Ritz chicken! It's a crowd pleaser and you can make it healthier with less butter and using breadcrumbs instead of the Ritz...
When I "RE"rediscovered roasting recently, I was amazed at how it changed the taste of green beans. Roasting imparts a yummy slightly sweet and smokey taste that makes veggies pretty amazing. If you haven't tried roasting your vegetables, you should! Roasted Green Beans 1 pound of frozen green beans 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon salt About 10 grinds of fresh ground pepper...
I am always searching for new recipes to try out. When it comes to chicken. Just tried the recipe for these oven baked drumsticks today. YUM!! And SUPER SIMPLE!!👌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻 Question of the day: Do you know why the meat on chicken legs is dark?🍗 This brings back my passion for all things related to anatomy and kinesiology! Dark meat has more myoglobin proteins. It's the stuff that ships oxygen...